Mr. Anwar Fawzy, Head of RTA, met with a delegation from the ministry of Finance in Tanzania to recognize and get benefit from the Egyptian experience in applying real property tax.
Mr. Fawzy assured our readiness to convey our expertise in all fields of real estate, which would make it easy for the taxpayers to complte their taxing transactions.
Head of RTA also reviewed all aspects related to the executive business of the tax, and highlighted the privileges included in the law of real-estate tax.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Ashraf Shalaby; Counsellor of RTA's Head, Mrs. Mona Fouad; Sector president of tax affairs, Mr. Anwar Farag; GM of technical office of RTA's Head, Dr. Ibrahim Sayed; member of the Head's technical office, Dr. Fedaa; the Head's assistant for real property affairs and Mr. Ahmad Azmy; the Head's assistant for amusement tax.
On the Tanzanian side, the attendees included Mr. Lawrence Mefraw; vice of the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Mr. Alfeu Keyatada; General Commissioner of Revenues Agency and Mr. John Sussy; Manager of Fiscal Information System Administration, in addition to a number of leaders at the Tanzanian Ministry of Finance.