At your service.. Cases that are not subject to real estate tax

At your service.. Cases that are not subject to real estate tax
  • 2023-03-07

Akhbar Al-Youm gate provides a new section for the readers entitled “At your service” to follow up the services provided by the governmental and private sector entities in which the citizens are interested. In this section, all the concerned sectors will answer the readers’ inquiries. Akhbar Al- Youm gate continues the success of the service “you ask and taxes answer”. It has been responding to the citizens’ inquiries related to the income tax, the property tax and the add value tax…etc. for two years. The new service comes within the cooperation framework between Akhbar – Al –Youm gate and the Income Tax; Headed by Mr./ Mukhtar Twafik, and the Real-Estate Taxation Authority;  headed by Mr./ Anwar Fawzy. This is to promote the taxation culture of the citizen.

Akhbar Al-Youm gate defines the cases of tax non-submission as follows:

  1. Buildings owned by the State and designated for public utility.
  2. Buildings owned by the State as private possession provided that they submit to tax as of the first of the month following the disposal of these buildings to individuals or legal individuals.
  3. Buildings designated to perform religious rites or to teach religion.
  4. Buildings that are dispossessed for public utility as of the actual date of dispossession by the concerned entities.
  5. Courtyards and cemeteries.